Gurvandelger team


About the Company

Gurvandelger LLC first started its operations in 2001 with trade and services, but today it is expanding into construction, telecommunication, engineering, and mining equipment spare parts supply business.

In terms of organizational structure, it has been continuously working in the construction industry for 20 years since 2003, in the year of 2012 the company has received a "B" license for telecommunications and its infrastructure assembly, and since 2022 it has been working with a "B" license for providing Internet services.

 Within the scope of expanding the business activities, we are working hard on the supply of spare parts for underground mining drilling machines.

We, all the employees of Gurvan Delger LLC, united under the goal of "Skillful Mongolian", all the employees who are the values of the organization, pay more attention to their development and work to solve family and social problems. Our motto is "Consistency and Responsibility".

[ General Injeneer]